Super Grub2 Disk Sid Chroot Build
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As explained in Super Grub2 Disk Sid Chroot you need to enter in the chroot thanks to:
chroot /mnt/ssd/sgd_chroot_sid_amd64/ /bin/bash
We probably need to install git package
apt-get install git
Now we are going to work as a normal user
su myuser
so that we can work from our development directory.
mkdir -p ~/gnu/sgd/supergrub2_upstream cd ~/gnu/sgd/supergrub2_upstream
Now we are going to get Super Grub2 Disk source code.
git clone
So that we can build it:
cd supergrub2 ./supergrub-meta-mkrescue
If everything went well and you did not miss any of the former steps you will get, among others, these files:
super_grub2_disk_hybrid_2.00s1-beta6.iso super_grub2_disk_hybrid_2.00s1-beta6.iso.md5 super_grub2_disk_hybrid_2.00s1-beta6.iso.sha1 super_grub2_disk_hybrid_2.00s1-beta6.iso.sha256
which their filename might vary depending on the current Super Grub2 Disk version.