Install 7-zip in Windows

This wizard step will help you to install 7-zip. 7-zip is a tool that will help you to unzip Isolinux based Rescatux from Super Grub2 Disk based Rescatux (the latter one is the original Rescatux). Additional 7-zip is open source and can be used instead of other propietary tools like WinRAR, WinACE or WinZIP for compression, packing and unpacking tasks.

Find 7-zip

Either by clicking on My PC, PC or Explorer (The yellow thing with some folders on it) you should open a window that lets you navigate through all your files in your computer. Make sure you navigate to the folder where you downloaded 7-zip.

Install 7-zip

Double click on 7-zip installer.

Should a dialog appear asking if you wish that an unknown publisher program makes changes in your computer then select Yes or OK answer.

Unknown publisher Permission Dialog screenshot
Unknown publisher Permission Dialog

A dialog will appear asking your for a Destination Folder. Just use the default Destination Folder and click Install button.

You will be informed that 7-Zip has been installed on your computer. Please click Finish button.

Once the 7-zip installer window closes then you have finished this step.

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