Super Grub Disk 0.9800 released

Super Grub Disk 0.9800 Cdrom / USB Mirror #1

Super Grub Disk 0.9800 Source Code

I was a bit of nostalgic and in last two weeks I’ve been fighting myself with a virtualised Debian Lenny and gcc-3.3 to make build Grub1 and Super Grub Disk with it.

Here are the new features. How said that Grub1 was dead?

  • Chainloads Grub2 stage so that you can boot Grub2 systems.
  • Grub1 patched to support btrfs
  • Restores Grub2 with custom dd command

Hope you like it!

Ah, I forgot, with a little trick of assembler I’ve made the disk to be both usable for cdrom and usb. You can use the USB Super Grub2 Disk instructions in order to put it into a USB. Remember that you will loose all the USB contents because we’re using dd instead of the old Grub1 root and setup commands which could preserve the USB filesystem.

Rescatux 0.30 beta 4 USB issues

As Max says the Universal USB installer no longer seems to work for 0.30 beta 4 version.

It does totally makes sense. Universal USB installer it is designed to deal with isolinux based cdroms which are the most of them. I suppose they have not thought grub2 based live cds. So… What do to then?

As I have explained in the Rescatux wiki you should work with the iso (which happens to be an isolinux iso) which it is inside the iso you are downloading.

Another issue comes when using the official method. It does not work. Yes, it works. The usb boots and Super Grub2 Disk is fully functional but trying to boot any of the Rescatux options fails. As I explain in the issue the main reason for this for failing is that making Rescatux to boot from SG2D is more a workaround that a final solution. Either I improve the workaround (detect partition UUID when no label is found) or I implement the debian-live requested improvements for the grml fromiso patch which it is the final fix.

If you still want to use the official method for putting Rescatux into the USB what you should do… Yes, you have guessed… use the iso inside the iso as in the Universal USB installer case.

The nice thing about this is that I would have found this last problem myself if I had tested it… but I don’t try usb versions of Rescatux myself, just the cdrom version. I will have to improve that. 🙂

Rescatux 0.30 roadmap

I hate to write down roadmaps because I hadly never achieve them. Rescatux 0.30 was only going to be the place where to put the new UI. Now I want it to have a new feature (Linux password change) so that someone that has Rescatux 0.29 has a reason to download Rescatux 0.30.

Bugs and Feature requests they are found in Forja Cenatic. Thank you Cenatic!

Feature requests

Bugs to be fixed

Issues that need to be addressed before the release


Whenever I release a new beta the idea is to copy and paste this roadmap and to replace the dots (..) with the beta version where the feature has been implemented. An example would be: (0.30b3).


I happen to have too much work currently and I suspect that Rescatux development will be postponed for a month. Well, a part from English, Spanish and Catalan graphical documentation, I have some help from bTactic to complete such features.

It’s Alive!!! It’s Alive!!!

After three days of fighting I have managed to make SG2D to boot Rescatux from its iso file.

Thanks goes to SynrG, dba and chals from #debian-live. And an special thanks to mrud from #grml which did find the final workaround that involved using fromiso.

The current workaround might be improved with a proper solution in upstream so that the loopback.cfg generation on debian live is very easy to implement.

You will have to wait a bit till you see a release that includes Rescatux and Super Grub2 Disk.

I need to fix some details such as having a nice background at super grub2 disk part which it is the main screen that you see.

And… of course… the architecture autodetect feature so that it autoboots into Rescatux 64bit or Rescatux 32bit according to your architecture.

Doc: How to put Rescatux into a USB

Update (2013/12/01). Please check: Put Rescatux into an usb pendrive instead.

I have finally added the official documentation about how to put Rescatux into a usb.

As it is explained in instructions. These instructions wipe your pendrive / usb device. So you loose all of its contents. So make sure you backup anything important on them.

And I ask you to give us feedback about the windows instructions. Either in the mailing list, the forum, chat or even as a comment in this post. I suspect that the if you format it as FAT32 you do not need to delete all the partitions but I am not sure at all.

The non official documentation (probably using unetbootin or yumi) is still lacking. Let’s hope that I can add it in next week.

An special thanks goes to Shades85 and his trials/errors.

Doc: How to put Super Grub2 Disk into a usb

Update 04 Dic 2013: Check Put Super Grub2 Disk into an usb pendrive instead.

I have finally added the official documentation about how to put Super Grub2 Disk into a usb.

As it is explained in instructions. These instructions wipe your pendrive / usb device. So you loose all of its contents. So make sure you backup anything important on them.

And I ask you to give us feedback about the windows instructions. Either in the mailing list, the forum, chat or even as a comment in this post. We should know if dd complains about the device name or not.

The non official documentation (probably using unetbootin or yumi) is still lacking. Let’s hope that I can add it in next week. And Rescatux instructions too ;).

Super Grub2 Disk 1.99 beta 1 released

After so much long I am pleased to announce: Super Grub2 Disk 1.99 beta 1.

This is the changelog:

  • Added support for Fedora’s grub.cfg (/boot/grub2 and /grub2 path)
  • Lua scripts were rewritten to cfg scripts so that they are more grub friendly
  • Colour was added which can be on or off
  • Super Grub2 Disk and its version is shown at main menu
  • Added basic translation system
  • Super Grub2 Disk was translated to Spanish
  • Based on Debian’s Grub 1.99

We need translators! Please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.

Translations no longer needed:

  • Malay
  • German


This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.

Forum wide open and some maintenance.


Today the database was moved to an exclusive database server which its RAM will be increased if it is not enough.

Forum has been upgraded to Simple Machines Forum 2 series.

And that update has let me enable the forum registration via email activation. This makes me unnecessary to approve every registration.

If the captcha and the two simple verification questions are not enough to stop spammers I will try to add some measures that disable access to well-known spammers.

Just enjoy the improvements. The database migration should imply a better web experience.

Rescatux 0.30 beta 2 screenshots

Rescatux 0.30 beta 2 is not available for download. I just wanted to share you some screenshots on the current Rescatux development.

Now there is a Back button and most buttons have their correspondent icon to make them more international.

I still want to code an improvement on grub-install commands (an other commands) so that hard disk order is done from a Python program in an easy way.
Maybe fix some bugs from grub-install. It would be nice to detect 64-bit systems.

I am also thinking of adding an option to reset Linux passwords or not. So that I do not have to say that the new version has the same useful options as the old one.

I hope you like it. A very special thank you goes to Albert for his advice on the UI design.