Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 Release Candidate 2 released

Please spread the word. We need people to hard test this release so that we can release as an stable one !!! Hopefully in one month time.

This is a release candidate release so please comment any issue you find at the bug tracker.

Recommended download (Valid for i386, x86_64, and x86_64-efi):

Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 rc2 Main Menu
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 rc2 Main Menu
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 rc2 Spanish Main Menu
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 rc2 Spanish Main Menu

EFI x86_64 standalone version:

Floppy, CD & USB in one downloads:

Standalone versions:


  • osdetect: Linux entry now shows its device
  • osdetect: Mac OS X/Darwin entry now shows its device
  • Fixed wrong EFI files detection
  • supergrub-meta-mkrescue now builds standalone images for: x86_64-efi, i386-efi, i386-coreboot and i386-ieee1275
  • Bug Fix: Fix gfxterm trigger. Now translation work as expected. Special characters are shown ok
  • Spanish (es) translation was updated to match the new options
  • Translations files were updated to reflect new strings
  • Code was fixed so that all the visible strings can be translated
  • Minor design improvements

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.

Development miscelanea:

  • This release was built in a Debian testing system using 2.00-22 grub version.
  • 2.01 Release Candidate 1 was not publicy release, that’s why you are seeing RC2 instead of RC1.

Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 3 released

This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the bug tracker. If you have non standard pc hardware please check Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 2 release so that you can give us feedback.

Recommended download:


Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 3 grub.cfg Extract entries option
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 3 grub.cfg Extract entries option


Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 3 Everything menu making use of grub.cfg extract entries option functionality
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 3 – Everything menu making use of grub.cfg extract entries option functionality




  • Added a new option: ‘grub.cfg – Extract entries‘. Now you can load your own grub.cfg entries even if you had setup a 0 seconds timeout by default
  • New Exit menu that let’s you halt or reboot your machine
  • Several improvements to the UI. Now you can see what option you have choosen and it is easier to return to previous menu.

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.

Development miscelanea:

  • The release an standalone release which might be useful for some EFI systems is still pending.
  • There’s no too much coding left. Just the part of making sure translations make sense. Although it is not difficult it will take some time.
  • This release was built in a Debian testing system using 2.00-22 grub version.

Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 2 released

This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the bug tracker. If you use any of the images for the specific hardware please comment in this same post.

Recommended download:

Additional downloads for very specific hardware:


Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 2 featuring 'Everything +' option
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 2 featuring ‘Everything +’ option


  • Most every option was rewritten in a library way:
    • That makes easier to update Super Grub2 Disk
    • It also makes it easier to have a consistent UI
  • New option: ‘Everything +
    • Which initially loads LVM, RAID, PATA, USB and also tries to mount encrypted volumes
    • Then tries to find all the bootable entries thanks to Everything entry
  • Most of the options now have a consistent UI

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.

Development miscelanea:

  • We might also release an standalone release which might be useful for some EFI systems.
  • There’s no too much coding left. Just make sure translations make sense and probably the Exit menu for halting or rebooting the computer.
  • This release was build in a Debian testing system using 2.00-22 grub version.

Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 1 released

This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the bug tracker.


Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 1 - Main menu
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 1 – Redesigned Main menu


  • New option: ‘Everything‘ to boot most anything with a single enter
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 1 - Everything option in action
Super Grub2 Disk 2.01 beta 1 – Everything option in action
  • UI redesign of final boot options so that they are clearly distinguished
  • UI redesign of extra options into submenu
  • UI redesign of manual options into submenu
  • New script: supergrub-meta-mkrescue for building several target+platform combinations
  • New boot technology based on conditional AFD
  • Improved build documentation

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.

Development miscelanea:

  • Expect to come two new options:
    • Everything + Extra functionality
    • Everything + Extra functionality + Extra Search

Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 6 released

Alternatively you can also obtain Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 6 included in Rescatux 0.31 beta 4.

This is the changelog:

  • FreeBSD boot wasn’t working ok. Fixed.
  • Added default boot loader entries for FreeBSD at OS detection script

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.

Development miscelanea:

  • Jordan Uggla has said he would have some spare time to work in SG2D. Let’s hope it’s true.
  • Thanks to nox- from irc for the FreeBSD testing and fixing.
  • Thanks to Niall Walsh for his current work on trying to improve the OS autodetect feature.

(adrian15 speaking)

As a side note the current HEAD at git says that SG2D version is 2.00s1-beta5 while it’s actually 2.00s1-beta6. Next beta should be the 7th one.

Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 5 released

This is the changelog:

  • Added x86_64-efi support so that EFI files are detected and can be booted

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.

Expect a new froze in SG2D development because the last days development was very unusual 🙂 🙁 ;).

Thanks to Niall Walsh for the EFI implementation and testing.
(adrian15 speaking)

Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 4 released

This is the changelog:

  • (Devel) searchindevice function was improved by using brackets and making code more clear
  • Make sure to remove console output when using gfxterm output. This should solve some strange problems when selecting various menus options from SG2D.
  • Loopback detection now also detects: /bootisos, /boot/booisos, /BOOTISOS and /BOOTISOS directories so that FAT file name compatibility is assured
  • (Devel) Changed ~ to – in version filename so that filenames can be uploaded ok to forges

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.

Thanks to the #grub guys we have managed to improve the code on searching device to make it clearer and some Grub2 code will be eventually fixed so that complex tests are done ok (precedence of -a over -o wasn’t ok it seems). And we also managed thanks to them to avoid two graphical modes at the same time. This way you won’t see strange phenomena when highlighting options.

Actually I haven’t been able to test that last fix in an actual machine where I know it happens, but this is a BETA, you’re supposed to test it as an user too ;). So feedback is welcome as always.
(adrian15 speaking)

Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 3 released

This is the changelog:

  • Removed innecessary floppy seek
  • Fixed berlios #18907 bug. Now both /boot-isos and /boot/boot-isos directories should work

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.

Well, I wanted to release version an special secret version of Super Grub2 Disk and in the meanwhile I did find some innecesary floppy seeks when using it in an actual machine and I did want to fix that. Fix is not complete but it improves SG2D usage. I also fixed that /boot-isos and /boot/boot-isos error (where only the first directory was searched) for those of you that try to use SG2D for booting loop-boot capable distributions. I’m not providing GZ or ZIP files because I think I will release another SG2D beta soon. I’ve become quite addicted to develop SG2D. I don’t like SG2D myself because I see that the future is Rescatux but… when you get into developing it… knowing the Grub2 scripting stuff and its insights it’s fun and addictive!

More than this I want to release an stable version of SG2D soon because it’s too long with the beta versions hanging around. And, of course, the special secret version needs an stable SG2D version so that I don’t have to release it twice.
(adrian15 speaking)

Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 1 released

A big thank you to Jordan Uggla for making: Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 1.

This is the changelog:

  Malay (Thanks go to SlamberGamer)
 German (Thanks go to Jan Black)
 French (Thanks go to Daniel_KM)
 Spanish (Updated to use special characters. adrian15)

* Based on Grub 2.00
* Added support for BSD and Sunpc partition tables
* i18n support was rewritten for supporting special characters and * for using gettext
* Enable options are now inside a single submenu: Enable extra GRUB2 functionality
* Many other bug fixes

If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.

Super Grub2 Disk 1.99 beta 1 released

After so much long I am pleased to announce: Super Grub2 Disk 1.99 beta 1.

This is the changelog:

  • Added support for Fedora’s grub.cfg (/boot/grub2 and /grub2 path)
  • Lua scripts were rewritten to cfg scripts so that they are more grub friendly
  • Colour was added which can be on or off
  • Super Grub2 Disk and its version is shown at main menu
  • Added basic translation system
  • Super Grub2 Disk was translated to Spanish
  • Based on Debian’s Grub 1.99

We need translators! Please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.

Translations no longer needed:

  • Malay
  • German


This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.