Rescatux 0.22 released

Rescatux 0.22 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
MD5 (595 Megabytes)

Source code and other downloads
Useful Rescatux Options:

  • Restore Grub to the MBR
  • Update Grub Configuration
  • Filesystem check (Fix forced)


  • New option: Filesystem check (Fix forced)
  • Filesystem check (Fix forced) can help you to recover grub or grub2 when grub or grub2 or a live cd cannot read filesystem because filesystem has inconsistencies.
  • Filesystem check (Fix forced) can also help you to recover your GNU/Linux files from a live cd even if you were not able to mount the GNU/Linux partition, now you will probably be able to mount it.

Rescatux 0.21 released

Rescatux 0.21 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
MD5 (477 Megabytes)

Source code and other downloads
Useful Rescatux Options:

  • Restore Grub to the MBR
  • Update Grub Configuration


  • Now login is automatic
  • Added “Update Grub Configuration” option that lets you rename your hard disks names, order them by BIOS hard disk boot order.
  • “Update Grub Configuration” should only work with Debian based distributions such as Ubuntu.

Rescatux Downloads 2010/11/08

Rescatux 0.20 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
Mirror #3
MD5 (477 Megabytes)

Source code and other downloads
Update: I have corrected release which was 0.18 and not 0.20. And I have added a third mirror because the two first ones had some problems. However use the first ones when possible.

This release merges x86 and amd64 versions in one cd.
Improvement: Added Rescatux logo at Syslinux prompt.
This release has only one useful option: Restore Grub to the MBR.

Login password is: live

Rescatux 0.19 (Source Code Only) released

I have just uploaded Rescatux 0.19 source code. If you want Rescatux’s binaries please check previous posts.

I have not published this release as a binary because I wouldn’t have recommended anyone who already had the latest version to update his CDRW 😉 to this one. And, of course, there is no longer an autologin, and that’s a problem which I should fix.

Here there is the changelog and some pieces of advices.

  • Updated build scripts to reflect September 2010′ squeeze live-helper updates
  • Now you can have an hybrid usb-cdrom-i486-amd64 all in one cd
  • Updated packages to squeeze (September 2010)

If you ever build this cdrom please use live as the password at login prompt.

Please ignore the builtin date in the filename. Correct build date is Oct 31th 2010. I need to change the date as a workaround.

I want to thank Daniel Baumann for having developed  the debian live patch that lets you choose more than one kernel flavour (i.e. 486 and amd64) when building an image.

Rescatux Downloads 2010/10/04

Rescatux 0.18 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 Mirror #1 Mirror #2 MD5 (430 Megabytes)

Rescatux 0.18 Cdrom or USB ISO for AMD64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2 MD5 (430 Megabytes)

Source code and other downloads

This release should work with computers with two or more hard disks without any problem. Minor bugs fixed.
This release has only one useful option: Restore Grub to the MBR.
I have finished Restore Grub to the MBR so expect next release to have one or two more options.

Rescatux Downloads 2010/08/28

Rescatux 0.17 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 Mirror #1 Mirror #2 MD5 (430 Megabytes)

Rescatux 0.17 Cdrom or USB ISO for AMD64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2 MD5 (430 Megabytes)

Source code and other downloads

Notice. Known bug: Might not work on IDE hard disk based system (use previous 0.08 version instead if you don’t use ext4). Might also have problems when you have two hard disks.

I just hope to have fixed this bug next week, but I was in a hurry because 0.08 did not work ok with last Ubuntu versions!

Rescatux Downloads 2010/08/20

(Update: 2010/08/25) Rescatux 0.08 won’t fix EXT4 based systems. That means that it will only work with Ubuntu 8.04 and upgrades to Ubuntu 8.10 (not Ubuntu 9.04, Ubuntu 9.10…). I hope that I had known this before but Ubuntu users did not reply to my Rescatux test request on forum.

You can try 0.10 only if your system is AMD64. I suppose it will handle ext4 without any problem.

Rescatux 0.08 Cdrom ISO for x86 Mirror #1 Mirror#2 MD5 (358 Megabytes)

Rescatux 0.08 USB for x86 Mirror #1 Mirror#2 MD5 (358 Megabytes)

Rescatux 0.10 Cdrom or USB ISO for AMD64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2 MD5 (444 Megabytes)

Source code and other downloads