I have added these Youtube videos to Rescatux page so that you can see how easy it is to use Rescatux. Enjoy them!
Update: I will just preserve on frontpage this one about Grub installation:
I have added these Youtube videos to Rescatux page so that you can see how easy it is to use Rescatux. Enjoy them!
Update: I will just preserve on frontpage this one about Grub installation:
Rescatux 0.29 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
MD5 (303 Megabytes)Rescatux 0.29 torrent
Source code and other downloads
Useful Rescatux Options:
Some comments about the release:
I have hacked the original chntpw so that it accepts -b option to automatically blank passwords. You can find its source code and diff file under chntpw-NG section in
Source code and other downloads.
This is the first release that blanks password. Please comment your experience on the Rescatux forum.
If you have ideas on how to improve the Share log on forum option questions and suggested answers you are also welcomed to discuss them on the Rescatux forum.
Remember to read License agreement very carefully if you want me to accept your registration to forum
Rescatux 0.28 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
MD5 (303 Megabytes) Rescatux 0.28 torrent
Source code and other downloads
Useful Rescatux Options:
Some comments about the release:
I have postponed the work on the option that reset windows passwords till its author replies me about how to hack it.
This release has only one new useful option: Boot Info Script but, as far as I know, it is a great one because it would be the first live cd to include in it the boot info script.
As you have seen we have dropped the cut gnome and we use right now lxde. Every Rescatux file has been moved to rescapp inside the Desktop. So there might be bugs due to that. If you find any of those please comment on the Rescatux forum.
If you have ideas on how to improve the Share log on forum option questions and suggested answers you are also welcomed to discuss them on the Rescatux forum.
Remember to read License agreement very carefully if you want me to accept your registration to forum
I just wanted to share with you that I have been working a bit on winpass, that Rescatux option inspired on Trinity Rescue Kit’s winpass script that will let you reset your Windows password (mainly blanking it).
I have managed to extract in an automated manner the windows user, prompt the user to choose one of them.
The problem comes when one has to choose to blank the password. You have to choose an option on an interactive menu inside chntpw.
Now I need to test the original chntpw program because the chntpw debian package does not seem to be updated with the latest upstream release.
I will try to find some new command line options that will let me blank the password directly from command line.
If I do not find them I will try to implement them myself or ask the chntpw developer to add them for me. And I will also ask about an option that lists all the users (one per line) so that I do not have to use bkhive and samdump2 to obtain them.
The other option is to imitate input thanks to an input pipe but I prefer to do it in more elegant manner.
Let’s hope that I do not have to maintain a chntpw fork and a new repository for all of this stuff.
In the other hand next features I have been thinking about are: Share log with (ubuntu)forums and Boot info script option.
Log will be already available inside [CODE] [/CODE] marks!!!
So… let’s hope next weekend I can work a bit more on this stuff and make a new Rescatux release.
Rescatux 0.27 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
MD5 (371 Megabytes)
Source code and other downloads
Useful Rescatux Options:
Some comments about the release:
I was supposed to work on the option that reset windows passwords but I have prefered to do a quick release with that fix to OpenSUSE installations that use grub2. It is interesting how OpenSUSE tweaks grub-install original behaviour so that you are forced to use yast or yast2 to reinstall it to your MBR. I just hope that Debian Live handles NTFS mounts ok so that I can run chntpw without too much hassless from the live cd.
I would like to confirm that grub install option does work well in (Open)SUSE (when you have grub2 package installed). Please comment on the Rescatux forum.
I have reopened Boot Problems Open Source Tools, Super Grub Disk, Super Grub2 Disk and Rescatux Forum.
In order to improve experience and avoid spammers I have added some recaptcha at registration. If spammers are annoying I will have to apply manually recaptcha to post topic page or even try to implement some kind of double recaptcha.
Update: 2 spammers were already trying to register into the forum after being opened even with reCaptcha activated. I have made some hacking on SMF to avoid automated spamming. Let’s hope my hack is robust enough.
Update 2: I disable the forum till I found another better method for avoiding spammers to register on the site. I think I have a great idea for that that involves wordpress. Stay tuned and sorry for any inconveniences.
Update 3: Forum is open again. Enjoy. New accounts might delay one week till they are active.
Another change will impact old forum users. I have choosen Classic YaBB SE theme instead of the default one. The forum is the good old one with tons of information but with a new skin so that it seems that it is a new one. 😉
Enjoy the new questions and answers just after consulting Super Grub Disk and Super Grub2 Disk wiki and Rescatux wiki. And of course the Support rules for the forum.
I am just so excited of opening the forum again! I need some feedback about Rescatux in order to improve it.
I join some photos of Les Borges Blanques Rescatux talk.
Note for English readers: This piece of news affects mainly Spanish users so I will write it in Spanish.
El próximo sábado 7 de Mayo de 2011 en Les Borges Blanques (Lleida – Spain) dentro de la install party de Ubuntu 11.04 del equipo catalán de Ubuntu tendrá lugar a las 11h de la mañana, hora local, la charla titulada: Rescatux.
El ponente será Albert Mas.
Entre otras cosas se explicará la nueva función Compartir logs y la nueva opción de arreglo del arranque de Windows.
Estais todos invitados aunque se ruega os inscribais en la fiesta.
Thanks for José Ramón Ruiz for this video. It will recorded for future references at wiki: http://rescatux.berlios.de/wiki/ .
This video shows you how easy is to use Rescatux for its main purpose: Restoring Grub to the MBR.
Rescatux 0.26 Cdrom or USB ISO for x86 or amd64 Mirror #1 Mirror #2
MD5 (371 Megabytes)
Source code and other downloads
Useful Rescatux Options: