Alternatively you can also obtain Super Grub2 Disk 2.00 beta 6 included in Rescatux 0.31 beta 4.
This is the changelog:
FreeBSD boot wasn’t working ok. Fixed.
Added default boot loader entries for FreeBSD at OS detection script
If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.
Development miscelanea:
Jordan Uggla has said he would have some spare time to work in SG2D. Let’s hope it’s true.
Thanks to nox- from irc for the FreeBSD testing and fixing.
Thanks to Niall Walsh for his current work on trying to improve the OS autodetect feature.
(adrian15 speaking)
As a side note the current HEAD at git says that SG2D version is 2.00s1-beta5 while it’s actually 2.00s1-beta6. Next beta should be the 7th one.
Rescatux 0.31 beta 4 has been released. Update: I add a video from Bóson Treinamentos em Tecnologia which describes quite well the Rescatux 0.31 beta 4 release. Video audio is Portuguese.
Rescatux 0.31b4 new options: Promote Windows user to Admin and Unlock Windows user
New features:
Better handle of /boot/grub2 in Fedora installations when running grub-install or update-grub options
Update Grub should work in any Grub2 system (previous version only worked on Debian or Ubuntu distributions)
New option: Promote a Windows user to Administrator
XFE is the new file manager instead of qtfm
New option: Unlock a Windows user to re-enable it
LVM and RAID support for Restore Grub and Update Grub options (It seems it already worked from 0.30.2)
Known bugs:
Handling of directories with spaces when detecting Windows SAM files is not optimal
Double-clicking on directories on desktop opens Iceweasel (Firefox fork) instead of a file manager
Bottom bar does not have a shorcut to a file manager as it’s a common practice in modern desktops
Pending features or bugfixes for 0.31 stable release:
Select keyboard from Grub2 boot or Isolinux boot so that you can type your correct password when resetting Gnu/Linux password
New option: Easy Grub fix: Runs both Restore Grub and Update Grub options
New option: Easy Windows Admin that runs: unlock user, promote user to admin and blank admin user password so that you can straight-forward as a windows admin user.
Rewriting of Windows chntpw based options so that source code is not repeated
Feedback welcome:
I’ve tried myself the distro in my dev environment for the new options, not the old ones and they seem to start ok. Another thing is doing a full test about their complete functionality. Please test the ISO and report back if something that worked on previous stable versions no longer works in this beta version.
I am very busy right now at work. So you should expect two, three or four months of Rescatux development stalling. These are some of the funny tasks that anyone can easily contribute to: Making a youtube video for the new options. Make sure documentation for the new options is right. Translate the documentation of new options to Spanish. Make snapshots for new options documentation so that they don’t lack images.
I think that making Rescatux 0.31 stable is more defined than ever. The keyboard support needs to be there so that Gnu/Linux password change is done with the right password and not another one, and also so that people are not annoyed when trying to use chat. Improve the documentation so that there’s nothing missing and nothing more.
There are also these new easy options that combine individual options functionality into one just to make live easier for everyone also but that doesn’t seem too complex to develop and it will encourage to reuse code and thus improve the rescatux_lib library.
This release uses SG2D 2.00 beta 6, which it will be released soon. That means that it supports both BIOS and EFI boot hopefully. You’re invited to test that functionality too.
Linkat is an educational Gnu/Linux distribution from Catalonia (Spain). Thanks to the Departament d’Ensenyament institution they offer an adapted Ubuntu version specially aimed at education at their region.
One recurrent sysadmin task in those educational centers is restoring the master image to all the computers in the different classrooms. However, sometimes, the machines refuse to boot.
In such cases you can Restore Grub thanks to the Grub (+) -> Restore Grub option, change root password (now that you are at it) and even setup the right user for the sudoers file (Usually this step is not needed but the video shows how manteniment account is choosen as the sudo default account).
The video that has been made by Cròniques d’Amarok Recuperant GRUB ( Rescatux) people shows how thanks to Rescatux in less than 1 minute 40 seconds you can perform these described sysadmin tasks… even if you are not a sysadmin ;). More than this you are using only one GUI for all of these tasks.
Actually it’s not everything as good as it might seem because I haven’t managed to add LVM support in the Rescapp GUI. It’s my next task in my TODO list ;).
Feedback welcome:
I’ve tried myself the distro in my dev environment for the new options, not the old ones and they seem to start ok. Another thing is doing a full test about their complete functionality. Please test the ISO and report back if something that worked on previous stable versions no longer works in this beta version.
Some little thoughts
I’ve added these expert tools because, basically, I don’t have to implement boot-repair functionality into Rescapp wizard (And the idea is one or two years old :(). Another reason might be because testdisk, photorec and extundelete can be useful in some situations but… again… I would rather include its functionality into Rescapp script (instead of adding disconnected apps).
Not everything is bad because adding these tools has made me add the Expert tools options menu to Rescapp. Now you can find Gparted inside of Rescapp instead of having to search for it in the Start menu.
I’m not sure if I want to freeze 0.31 beta 3 as it is right now or if I’m going to add one of these things: 1. Add more chntpw-ng functionality to rescapp. 2. Improve the Restore Grub and Update Grub to be able to detect Logical Volumes (LVM).
Added x86_64-efi support so that EFI files are detected and can be booted
If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.
Expect a new froze in SG2D development because the last days development was very unusual 🙂 🙁 ;).
Thanks to Niall Walsh for the EFI implementation and testing.
(adrian15 speaking)
(Devel) searchindevice function was improved by using brackets and making code more clear
Make sure to remove console output when using gfxterm output. This should solve some strange problems when selecting various menus options from SG2D.
Loopback detection now also detects: /bootisos, /boot/booisos, /BOOTISOS and /BOOTISOS directories so that FAT file name compatibility is assured
(Devel) Changed ~ to – in version filename so that filenames can be uploaded ok to forges
If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.
Thanks to the #grub guys we have managed to improve the code on searching device to make it clearer and some Grub2 code will be eventually fixed so that complex tests are done ok (precedence of -a over -o wasn’t ok it seems). And we also managed thanks to them to avoid two graphical modes at the same time. This way you won’t see strange phenomena when highlighting options.
Actually I haven’t been able to test that last fix in an actual machine where I know it happens, but this is a BETA, you’re supposed to test it as an user too ;). So feedback is welcome as always.
(adrian15 speaking)
Fixed berlios #18907 bug. Now both /boot-isos and /boot/boot-isos directories should work
If you want to translate into your language please check TRANSLATION file at source code to learn how to translate into your language.
This is a beta release so please comment any issue you find at the forum.
Well, I wanted to release version an special secret version of Super Grub2 Disk and in the meanwhile I did find some innecesary floppy seeks when using it in an actual machine and I did want to fix that. Fix is not complete but it improves SG2D usage. I also fixed that /boot-isos and /boot/boot-isos error (where only the first directory was searched) for those of you that try to use SG2D for booting loop-boot capable distributions. I’m not providing GZ or ZIP files because I think I will release another SG2D beta soon. I’ve become quite addicted to develop SG2D. I don’t like SG2D myself because I see that the future is Rescatux but… when you get into developing it… knowing the Grub2 scripting stuff and its insights it’s fun and addictive!
More than this I want to release an stable version of SG2D soon because it’s too long with the beta versions hanging around. And, of course, the special secret version needs an stable SG2D version so that I don’t have to release it twice.
(adrian15 speaking)
Razor-qt replaces LXDE as the new Rescatux default desktop
Added Qtfm (File manager)
Network-manager-gnome was replaced by Wicd.
Default Razor-qt desktop configuration was updated to mimic previous Rescatux desktop
Added Juffed (Text editor)
Added Qasmixer (Audio mixer)
Devel changes
(Devel) Reusable live-build directory added for faster builds
(Devel) Ignore Rescatux binary files from Git
(Devel) Distribution is now testing based instead of wheezy based so that sid packages can be pinned ok
(Devel) Add Openbox icon to Rescapp desktop file. Razorqt by default shows no icon for desktop files without icons. Or maybe we are not providing the default icon razorqt uses.
(Devel) Added siduction repository to be able to use qtfm
(Devel) Added razorqt-power package to be able to stop PC in a fancy manner.
Miscelanea changes
.packages file is now built in final release
Distro facts
Razor-qt replaces LXDE as the new Rescatux default desktop
(Devel) Distribution is now testing based instead of wheezy based so that sid packages can be pinned ok
(Devel) Added siduction repository to be able to use qtfm
Finally people at razor-qt irc channel say that this version is quite old and that will be soon be replaced by 0.5 version. I’ll wait for that but I’m not afraid of having to rebuild its config. It would seem that 0.5 version breaks 0.4 version.
Now it’s based on Debian (Testing) and not Debian (Stable). Rescatux 0.31 stable will probably be based on Debian (Stable) as Wheezy will be stable itself.
You probably need to update your script to reflect that default kernel is vmlinuz1 instead of old vmlinuz.
Feedback welcome:
I’ve tried myself the distro in my dev environment all the current options and they seem to work ok. Please test the ISO and report back if something that worked on previous stable versions no longer works in this beta version.
I applied for it 2 or 3 months ago and finally it went out. Rescatux is not very high in the distrowatch stats but that’s not a problem. I prefer having actual improvements in the distro that being at the Distrowatch’s top. That’s the main reason why I check Distrowatch from time to time, to learn about new features found in innovating distributions.
I was supposed to announced this around 20th February but I was quite busy at work. Anyways I wanted to say that apart from being busy the Rescatux development is quite of stalled because I’m waiting for the next stable release of Debian.
It seems that there’s only 100 bugs left to release it. Probably three months maximum and they will release it. Although you never know with Debian.
Around the things that I want to improve in the next Rescatux development there are:
I18N (Internalisation). Not complete but somewhat functional.
Regenerate Sudoers. Need to force root:root owner and 700 permissions.
Crack Windows password (by brute-force) because it seems that some Windows personal folder are encrypted and the reset password option wouldn’t recover those files
So, that’s it from the DEV front. Please forgive me if I cannot reply in the forum as often as I would like to.
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