Update 04 Dic 2013: Check Put Super Grub2 Disk into an usb pendrive instead.
I have finally added the official documentation about how to put Super Grub2 Disk into a usb.
As it is explained in instructions. These instructions wipe your pendrive / usb device. So you loose all of its contents. So make sure you backup anything important on them.
And I ask you to give us feedback about the windows instructions. Either in the mailing list, the forum, chat or even as a comment in this post. We should know if dd complains about the device name or not.
The non official documentation (probably using unetbootin or yumi) is still lacking. Let’s hope that I can add it in next week. And Rescatux instructions too ;).
The Windows how to did not work for me. The USB drive booted but all I got was a GRUB command prompt.
Tested with success.
Open Suse Image Writer works perfectly on windows for this task.
This side isnt work 🙁
A database error has occurred. Did you forget to run maintenance/update.php after upgrading? See: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Upgrading#Run_the_update_script
Query: SELECT value,exptime FROM `mediawiki_objectcache` WHERE keyname = ‘supergrupdisk-mediawiki_:messages:en’ LIMIT 1
Function: SqlBagOStuff::get
Error: 144 Table ‘./supergrupdisk/mediawiki_objectcache’ is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed (localhost)
Installing onto usb stick using Lili in xp did not work, properly because Lili uses Lilo, but anyway very frustrating. I can not use a ‘Burn-To_CD’ as my little Samsung NC10 has no cd drive, (Netbook).
regards Mike
Poland: Fixed (not as early as I would have wanted, I was busy). Thank you for reporting it.
Mike: How did you infer that you had to use Lili?